National Identity Card (NID) is a mandatory document for Bangladeshi citizens.! Which any person in Bangladesh has to be registered when he turns 18 years old. The organization that records the information is the Bangladesh Election Commission!
National Identity Card (NID) is useful for us in many ways
1) Citizenship Rights and Benefits
2) National Identity
3) Driving License
4) Motor Vehicle Registration
5) Passport
6) Buying and Selling Land
7) Opening a Bank Account
8) Taking a Bank Loan
9) Tin Number
10) Getting a Mobile SIM
12) To apply for jobs to get government grants and allowances
This National Identity Card (NID) and this National Identity Card like server copy of National Identity Card are used for various purposes for a special job or if your National Identity Card is lost, this server copy can be used for all kinds of work. But it takes 21.63 taka to get this server copy. First you have to pay 21.63 taka Bikash, cash, after that you can download the server copy. I will show you how to download or get this server copy absolutely free.
So let’s begin.
First Click here.! After that click here to open free account.
Here you can open account with your national identity card or
birth registration card. You will open the account with the one that
will be convenient for you.
After that click on register with your national identity card or birth registration number and date of birth and phone ✆ number.
A code will go to your phone and click submit in this box.
Log in by entering the phone number and the 6-digit code that you provided while opening the account.
Click here to print National Identity Card information now.
After that, if you want your national identity card number, give the number and click on print with your date of birth.
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After that the download option will come and download it.
Thanks for read.