Many of us think that bees, like other insects, come in two types. Female bee and male bee. The female bees produce the offspring, and the male bees do the rest. This is what many people believe. But the fact is, the life cycle of bees is quite different from that of other insects.

In 1973, Austrian scientist Karl Von-Frisch received the Nobel Prize in Medicine for his successful research on ‘Physiology of Medicine’. His research topic was the life cycle of bees. While carrying out this research, he brought forward all such amazing things, which changed the entire belief of the common people. He used photography and other scientific methods to show that there are not two types of bees, but actually three types of bees. The first is the male bee. The second is the female bee. They do nothing but produce children. Apart from these two types, there are other types of bees. By sex, they are also female bees but slightly different.

As we know, male bees do everything from building the hive to collecting the honey. But this idea is wrong. The male bee does only one job, and that is to assist the queen bee in the reproductive process. Means, to assist in the production of children. Apart from this job, the male bee has no other job. And the third type of bees do the rest of the work, starting from the construction of the hive. They are also female bees by gender, but are naturally infertile. Simply put, they can be called barren.

Scientist Karl Von-Frisch named this special class of female bees Worker Bees. Their work is different from the queen bee. Because, the job of queen bee is to produce offspring, and the job of worker bee is other than giving birth.

More interestingly, the scientist Karl Von-Frisch also proved that when these worker bees go out to collect nectar from flowers, they do a very strange thing. That is, when a worker bee finds a flower garden in a place where When the sap can be collected, the bee informs its other mates about the flower garden.

The bee reports exactly the way he went to the garden. That is, the way he finds this garden, he tells others about the way. And, the other bees also reached that garden by following the path he told. Doesn’t change a bit.

Basically, Karl Von-Frisch proved that there are two types of female bees. Queen bee and worker bee. The two types of work are completely different. And, male bees do not build hives, collect honey. It is the female worker bees who do this. He won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1973 for proving these things.

The interesting thing is that the thing that science proved in 1973, that thing we called Quran 1500 years ago.

Since the Qur’an was revealed in Arabic, we must understand its meaning according to Arabic grammar.

There is a Surah in the Qur’an named after the bee. Which is called Surah An-Nahl. In the 68th verse of this Surah, ‘(O Muhammad) your Lord has ordered the bee to make hives in the mountains, in the trees and in the houses that people build.’ Here we are not talking about giving birth. Beehive construction is being talked about. And Karl Von-Frisch told us, the female worker bee does the work of building the beehive. Now we have to see which bee the Qur’an is giving this instruction to? The female bee? Or the male bee?

In Arabic grammar, the verb used to instruct the male bee to build a hive is ‘ittakhiz’ and the female bee is ‘ittakhizi’.
What is very surprising is that the Qur’an has used ‘Ittakhiji’ instead of ‘Ittakhij’ to command the bee in this verse. This means that the Qur’an is undoubtedly giving this instruction to the female bee, not to the male bee.

Not only this verse, but the next verse says ‘Then, suck from every flower and walk in the easy path of your Lord’.

For sucking or drinking, the Arabic word for masculine is ‘Qool’, and for feminine is ‘Qbuli’. The Qur’an here uses ‘Qbuli’ instead of ‘Qul’. The word ‘Usluk’ is used for the masculine, and ‘Usluki’ for the feminine in the case of instructions to walk on the ‘easy straight path’. Interestingly, the Qur’an has used the verb ‘usluqi’ instead of ‘usluq’. Meaning, the instructions are not for male bees, but for female bees.

More interestingly, in this verse the Qur’an instructs the bee to follow an ‘easy straight’ path. Now the question is, why they were instructed to follow the simple path?

The amazing thing that the scientist Karl Von-Frisch noticed about the bees is that they tell others exactly the same way, the same way, the same way they find a flower garden. No manipulation. Others followed the same path and reached the garden. This is the easy way for them. The Qur’an also says exactly this.

If someone is asked whether the Qur’an copied these things from the scientist Karl Von-Frisch? Then the answer would be, no. Because, he proved these only on that day, in 1973. And the Quran was revealed 1500 years ago.

Where did the illiterate Muhammad (peace be upon him) find these scientific matters without formal education? Why did the Qur’an not give these instructions to the male bee? Why did the wife give the bee?

If this Qur’an did not come from a super natural power, the creator of the bee, who made the bee suitable for this life cycle, then who could have told these facts 1500 years ago in the desert of Arabia?

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The thing that scientist Karl Von-Frisch won the Nobel Prize for discovering in 1973 is mentioned in the Qur’an centuries ago. Finally, it can be said that today’s modern science has come and joined hands with the Qur’an at the end of the day.